SFFANZ One-day Event 2022

SFFANZ is pleased to announce it will hold a one-day event on  Saturday, June 25, 2022 at West Plaza Hotel.

While planning is still preliminary, it’s expected the day will start with meet and greet, followed by panels. The SFFANZ AGM will be held at 2pm, followed by a planning session for the next New Zealand national convention. 

The Sir Julius Vogel Awards for 2022 will be presented in the evening.

Registration for the day is free and open to all fans, but only members of SFFANZ may vote at the AGM.  Click join SFFANZ for details on joining the organisation. Any donations to SFFANZ on the day will be gratefully received.

You can register your attendance using this form

As this is a free event, you can attend as little or as much as you wish.  The intent of the day is to have a relaxed chance to get back into the swing of larger fan gatherings and to move forward with future planning for fandom in general. If you have suggestions for panel items, please indicate that on the form above.

Due to the orange COVID setting, the hotel has recommended masks be worn in communal areas of the hotel. As responsible hosts, we encourage and support mask wearing, though it is not mandatory. We understand that our hearing-impaired members may find this challenging, and are investigating ways we can assist them to enjoy the day.

Accommodation is available at West Plaza Hotel and details about costs will be provided as soon as they’re available.

Preliminary Programme (still subject to change)

9am Registration Opens.

10am Panel 1 – Send us your ideas.

11am Panel 2 – We really need them!

12noon Panel 3- Please!

IF you would like to be part of any of the discussions, please contact lynelle@sffanz.nz.

1pm lunch break

2pm SFFANZ AGM. Please note that to vote in the AGM you must be a member of SFFANZ.

4pm Let’s plan a NATCON. No idea is too big and outrageous, or too small. Let’s let our imaginations run wild and see what craziness we can come up with!

6pm – Dinner break. Wellington’s Matariki fireworks display will either be held at 7.15pm on Friday June 23, or Saturday June 24 (depending on the weather) on Wellington’s waterfront. The fireworks will last 10 minutes, we understand. For this reaosn, we’ll be having a longer dinner break to allow people to attend the fireworks and get back in time for the ceremony.

8pm Sir Julius Vogel Awards presentation and social. A light supper and the bar will be available from 7.30pm.

2022 Sir Julius Vogel Award Voting Now Open

Voting for the 2022 Sir Julius Vogel Awards is now open. Voting closes at 8pm on May 31. Voting is by electronic or postal ballot.

All the details can be seen on Voting for Sir Julius Vogel Awards 2022

There you’ll also find details of accessing the Voter Packet.

Please note that voting is only open to members of SFFANZ. We’ve also updated the SFFANZ Joining Form to align with current banking practices. And you can fill it out right there! If you’re already a member and wish to renew, please use the account listed on the joining form. If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact: treasurer@sffanz.nz.

Good luck to our finalists.

Sir Julius Vogel Award nominations for the 2021 calendar year is now open.

Nominations for the 2022 Sir Julius Vogel awards are now being accepted. The nomination period will close at 11:59pm on 31st March 2022. The SJV awards recognise excellence in science fiction, fantasy, or horror works created by New Zealanders and New Zealand residents, and first published or released in the 2021 calendar year. Anyone can make a nomination and it is free!

To make a nomination please see the form below. See the website for the categories and get busy reading NZ authors and watching NZ movies.

You can click through to the Rules and Criteria for the Awards.

And here is a link for Guidelines for nominations.

The awards ceremony will be held later in the year, full details to be announced.

Sir Julius Vogel Award nomination form

SFFANZ AGM 7 August, 2021 information

SFFANZ will hold its AGM at 2pm on 7 August 2021 at the West Plaza Hotel as part of the SFFANZ one-day event.

Here is the agenda for the meeting

Please note that items will be added to the agenda as they are received, so please ensure you check the agenda prior to the meeting. Copies of the agenda will be available at the meeting.

Here are the minutes of the 2020 meeting.

IF you have any questions about the meeting, or its process, please contact secretary@sffanz.nz



SFFANZ one-day con, AGM and Sir Julius Vogel Award Presentation

SFFANZ is pleased to announce it will hold a one-day event on August 7, 2021 at West Plaza Hotel.

While planning is still preliminary, it’s expected the day will start with meet and greet, followed by panels. The SFFANZ AGM will be held at 2pm, followed by a discussion on the future of conventions and fandom in New Zealand. 

The Sir Julius Vogel Awards for 2021 will be presented in the evening.

Registration for the day is free and open to all fans, but only members of SFFANZ may vote at the AGM.  Click join SFFANZ for details on joining the organisation. 

We have closed off the registration form, but if you wish to attend, you are welcome to turn up on the day.

As this is a free event, you can attend as little or as much as you wish.  The intent of the day is to have a relaxed chance to get back into the swing of larger fan gatherings and to move forward with future planning for fandom in general. If you have suggestions for panel items, please indicate that on the form above.

Accommodation is available at West Plaza Hotel at a cost of $140 including GST (room only) for Twin (single bed plus a queen bed) and Queen rooms (1 queen bed only). To make a booking: Phone – 0800 731 444 or Emailreservations@westplaza.co.nz and quote the booking #495813 or group name SFFANZ.


Preliminary Programme (still subject to change)

9am Registration Opens.

10am Panel 1 – Judging a book by page 119. Lee Murray, Simon Litten, June Young and Daniel presenting.

11am Panel 2 – Lockdown comfort reading and viewing. A discussion led by Lee Murray.

12noon Panel 3- TBA

IF you would like to be part of any of the discussions, please contact lynelle@sffanz.nz.

1pm lunch break

2pm SFFANZ AGM. Please note that to vote in the AGM you must be a member of SFFANZ.

4pm Discussion on the future of New Zealand conventions – how do we make the easier to run? How do we revitalise them.

5pm – Dinner break

7pm Awards presentation and social