The finalists for this year’s Sir Julius Vogel Awards can be found on Sir Julius Vogel Award Finalists – 2023.
Congratulations to our finalists!
The finalists for this year’s Sir Julius Vogel Awards can be found on Sir Julius Vogel Award Finalists – 2023.
Congratulations to our finalists!
IF you haven’t already made your nominations in this year’s round of the Sir Julius Vogel Awards, now’s the time to get cracking. More information can be found here.
Nominations for the 2023 Sir Julius Vogel awards are now being accepted. The nomination period will close at 11:59pm on 31st March 2023. The SJV awards recognise excellence in science fiction, fantasy, or horror works created by New Zealanders and New Zealand residents, and first published or released in the 2022 calendar year. Anyone can make a nomination and it is free!
To make a nomination please see the form below. See the website for the categories and get busy reading NZ authors and watching NZ movies.
You can click through to the Rules and Criteria for the Awards.
And here is a link for Guidelines for nominations.
The awards ceremony will be held later in the year, full details to be announced.
SFFANZ is pleased to present the 2022 Sir Julius Vogel Award winners. Congratulations to all our winners, and our thanks to the finalists for letting their works stand for nomination.
Here is the Agenda for the 2022 Annual General Meeting to be held over Zoom on August 13, 2022.
Here are the minutes of the 2021 SFFANZ AGM, held on August 7, 2021.
Here is the Treasurer’s report and here is the five-year plan created by Barry Norris, current SFFANZ treasurer, which will be discussed at the meeting.
In 2022, SFFANZ will be hosting an online event to allow fans to meet and chat whilst staying safe from COVID. We will be hosting an online afternoon of chatting and business on Saturday, August 13 from 1pm.
The programme for the event is as follows:
Meet and greet – say hello | From 1.00pm |
SFFANZ AGM | 2:00pm |
Break | 3:00pm |
Let’s get this show back on the road Let’s explore getting conventions running again in New Zealand. If you’d like to speak on this topic, please let us know so that we can call on you during the session. Questions and comments from the floor will also be welcomed during the session. | 3:30pm – 5:30pm |
Social TIme Grab a drink, grab a virtual corner, sit down and have a chat. From the light to the serious. The breakout rooms are available for multiple discussions. | 5.30pm – 7.00pm |
SJV Awards | 7:00pm – approx 7:30pm |
Please register your attendance for this meeting at this Zoom link
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We are requiring registration for security purposes, as Zoom bombing has become a recreational hobby. Zoom registration and access is free. You will not be charged nor will any billing information be requested.
All fans are welcome to attend any of the events on the day. Anyone is welcome to attend the AGM, however, in order to vote you must be a member of SFFANZ.
We will have a number of rooms where people can hang out and chat as well as our main discussion space.
The AGM information can all be found on the SFFANZ website There you’ll find the 2021 minutes and the 2022 AGM agenda.
The breakouts will be available during the AGM and other sessions for those people who just wish to mingle and chat. There will be an opportunity to stay on after the SJVs to allow attendees to chat with, and congratulate, our winners and finalists.
Let’s get this show back on the road.
We want to talk about the resources are available for convention runners. From advice to financial support and grants. And we’re interested to hear whether anyone is keen on running an event in 2023 or 2024. We know the last few years have been difficult for getting together, but we want to know if there’s an appetite for events in the next few years and how we might want them to look.
SJV Ceremony
Join us in celebrating New Zealand’s science fiction and fantasy awards for 2022. Stay afterwards to congratulate the winners! We’ll get in touch with the finalists via separate email about details for the evening.
In order to take part virtually you’re going to need a device that can run zoom. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide tech support. You need to ensure your device has a microphone and a camera if you wish to be seen or heard. Please note that iPad and mobile device users will not be able to move between breakout rooms without the assistance of the zoom host – they will be available during the events.
Due to a lack of registrations for a physical event, the SFFANZ board has made the decision to go virtual for the one-day event on August 13th.
Details of what will be in place will be released as soon as possible.
We’re disappointed that we can’t get together to discuss things in person, but hopefully by going virtual we can get more attendance.
At this stage we’ll be using Zoom. We’ll be hosting the AGM, the SJVs and a session on planning next year’s natcon at a minimum. Id you’d like to be part of a virtual panel, please contact asap and we’ll see what we can arrange.
Please contact the above address if you have any questions.
Lynelle Howell
SFFANZ is pleased to announce that we’ve got a new date for the one-day event – August 13th. You can find all the details, and register to attend on this form. Please register by July 30th so that we can determine whether the event can go ahead. IF we get insufficient in-person attendance, we may pivot to a virtual event.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
The SFFANZ board has decided to extend voting in this year’s Sir Julius Vogel Awards until June 30 as insufficient votes have been received to date. If there are still insufficient received at that time, no awards will be presented this year. The board feels such action is necessary to protect the value and prestige of the awards.
The one-day event will also be moved to allow for the extra voting time. The registrations for this event had also been lacklustre, so it’s hoped the new date will attract more people to attend. We expect, at this stage, that this will be in mid-July, pending confirmation with the venue.
The voting paper and voter packet will be available again shortly on the sffanz website The one-day form will also be shortly updated to reflect the new date once we’ve spoken with the hotel.
For those who have already cast their vote, please note we will continue to hold those safe until the extended voting period closes.
We apologise to those who may already have made travel plans for June 25, however, we feel this action is necessary.
Lynelle Howell
SFFANZ is pleased to announce it will hold a one-day event on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at West Plaza Hotel.
While planning is still preliminary, it’s expected the day will start with meet and greet, followed by panels. The SFFANZ AGM will be held at 2pm, followed by a planning session for the next New Zealand national convention.
The Sir Julius Vogel Awards for 2022 will be presented in the evening.
Registration for the day is free and open to all fans, but only members of SFFANZ may vote at the AGM. Click join SFFANZ for details on joining the organisation. Any donations to SFFANZ on the day will be gratefully received.
You can register your attendance using this form
As this is a free event, you can attend as little or as much as you wish. The intent of the day is to have a relaxed chance to get back into the swing of larger fan gatherings and to move forward with future planning for fandom in general. If you have suggestions for panel items, please indicate that on the form above.
Due to the orange COVID setting, the hotel has recommended masks be worn in communal areas of the hotel. As responsible hosts, we encourage and support mask wearing, though it is not mandatory. We understand that our hearing-impaired members may find this challenging, and are investigating ways we can assist them to enjoy the day.
Accommodation is available at West Plaza Hotel and details about costs will be provided as soon as they’re available.
Preliminary Programme (still subject to change)
9am Registration Opens.
10am Panel 1 – Send us your ideas.
11am Panel 2 – We really need them!
12noon Panel 3- Please!
IF you would like to be part of any of the discussions, please contact
1pm lunch break
2pm SFFANZ AGM. Please note that to vote in the AGM you must be a member of SFFANZ.
4pm Let’s plan a NATCON. No idea is too big and outrageous, or too small. Let’s let our imaginations run wild and see what craziness we can come up with!
6pm – Dinner break. Wellington’s Matariki fireworks display will either be held at 7.15pm on Friday June 23, or Saturday June 24 (depending on the weather) on Wellington’s waterfront. The fireworks will last 10 minutes, we understand. For this reaosn, we’ll be having a longer dinner break to allow people to attend the fireworks and get back in time for the ceremony.
8pm Sir Julius Vogel Awards presentation and social. A light supper and the bar will be available from 7.30pm.